Stations of the Cross during Lent

Stations for Nursery, Sunday School Children and Families
March 2, 6:00pm

Come join us in a Lenten tradition as we pray an adapted version of the Stations of the Cross specifically geared towards families with children birth through age six presented by the Children’s Ministry and Fusion.

We will meet in the church. Powerful yet age appropriate imagery will guide families through the scene in Jerusalem as Jesus walked his Way of the Cross.  Once in the church, a candle and cross bearer will keep our hearts and minds focused on the path that Jesus walked. School-age volunteers will take turns reading the prayers.  Preschoolers will participate by ringing a bell to indicate the transition from one station to another.

Soup Supper will follow the Stations



Parish Stations of the Cross and Soup Supper
Every Friday of Lent, 6:00pm

Stations will be led by a different group each week:

  • March 2 – Children’s Ministry and Fusion
  • March 9 – St. Vincent de Paul
  • March 16 – Elder Care
  • March 23 – Adoration Team

Stations will be followed by a soup supper in the Fr. Zenk Hall

Stations for TeensStations for Teens
Wednesday, March 21, 7:00pm

Everyone is invited to these Stations led by the 10th grade Confirmation candidates. This replaces the usual Wednesday night faith formation classes.