Musical Musings from Joy

Next weekend, we will have our first Open Sing of the year. We’ve had one before and I’ve mentioned it in previous articles, but I’m still getting some questions. Hopefully this will help you decide whether or not you want to take part!
What is an “Open Sing”? An Open Sing is the opportunity to join your voice as a chorister in the choral area on particular Sundays throughout the year. This is for anybody, regardless of choir membership status. All are welcome!
Why would I do the Open Sing? Besides the current choir members who are itching to minister again during the summer “off season,” this is also a chance to give non-members a chance to try out singing in a choir.
In the many conversations I’ve had with parishioners over the year, the placement of our choral area is a prime reason why many won’t join the choir. They’re afraid of being “watched.” Although I try to reassure everyone, it’s still a very real fear that some have. (I don’t blame you, I suffer from stage fright, too!)
The Open Sings allow for you to try singing with a group during Mass and getting a chance to feel what it’s like up there in a low-key way. I’m a try-it-before-you-buy-it kind of girl – if you still find it uncomfortable afterward, you can walk away with no regrets! This is a perfect opportunity to see if you might want to join us full-time beginning in September.
I don’t have music. I will provide song sheets for everyone who comes up to minister. Current members need not bring their books.
I can’t sing. Everyone can sing – you just have to find your song. I will never make anyone sing on their own who isn’t comfortable doing so!
Okay, you’ve convinced me. So, what do I do? Just join us in the choral area before any Mass next weekend! I will make an announcement a few minutes before Mass starts to help remind people they are welcome to come up.
I hope to see many of you joining us next weekend! In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me and I’d be happy to answer them.
Hymnal Scavenger Hunt How’d you do with last week’s Hymnal Scavenger Hunt? It was Canticle of the Turning, found in the red hymnal at #527. Here’s this week’s clue:
During this busy wedding season, a popular song chosen by couples takes passages from Song of Songs and the Book of Ruth. David Haas penned this beautiful arrangement.
Hint: This song may be found in the red hymnal.

Categories: Weekly Columns