Confirmation Information

Confirmation is a 2-year program usually beginning in grade 9 and completed in grade 10. If you are in grade 10 and up and are registering for confirmation for the first time you will be entering into the YEAR ONE program.

Choosing to be confirmed is not a light decision. This year we have implemented an application process. Don’t worry, no one is rejected and there are no right or wrong answers. The purpose of the application is to help teens and their parent/guardian to discern if Confirmation is something they truly want and are ready for. It also assists the Confirmation Core Team with getting to know the teens and their families.

Public and Home School Students:
Register for faith formation classes as required.
Once registered I will email you the Confirmation Application.
There is a onetime $50 registration fee for Confirmation Preparation paid the first year.
This year, Year Two families will need to complete the Confirmation Application as well.

Catholic School Students:
Email me a request for the Confirmation Application-
There is a onetime $50 registration fee for Confirmation Preparation paid the first year.
This year, Year Two families will need to complete the Confirmation Application as well.